ISO 50001
ISO 50001 is the International Energy Management Standard released in 2011 and has been updated in 2018. This standard is compatible with other ISO’s such as ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard and ISO 9001 Quality Management Standard. The Energy Management Standard or EnMS is a tool to support organisations to control and systematically manage their energy performance. Business benefits of implementing ISO 50001 include; improvement in energy management, improved supply chain relations, improved staff awareness, operational energy savings, support to meet national and international energy legislation, limit potential to prosecutions. Our sister company Crowberry Consulting Ltd can provide both auditing and training on this standard. We offer a one day introduction course to start your energy management journey, please visit for prices and further information, we offer online training via Teachable with payment hosted by Stripe.
ISO 14001
ISO 14001 is the Environmental Management Standard released in 2004 and was re-released in 2015. The EMS again is a tool to manage environmental aspects and impacts, increase efficiency from operational controls and raise staff and subcontractor awareness. The EMS standard can be linked to a governance, risk and compliance model for business. This ensures that the raft of environmental legislation is complied with and risks and opportunities are addressed. Companies that implement ISO14001 demonstrate good risk management and show external stakeholders a responsible attitude towards managing environmental risks. Our sister company Crowberry Consulting Ltd can provide both training and auditing to this standard, again please visit for prices and further information. We work with a range of certification bodies for third party audits to this standard. We offer online training and face to face training on this standard.